Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Recent Conversation via iphone

Theresa: Hey, I want to take the kids out somewhere fun for their birthday. Meet us at Chuck E. Cheese at 1?
Laura: (silence)
Theresa: Are you there?
Laura: No. Oh, hell no.
Theresa: Dude, what's wrong?
Laura: I'm not going to fucking Chuck E. Cheese. It's the sixth circle of hell.
Theresa: It's not so bad. Loved it as a kid.
Laura: How old were you when you first went there?
Theresa: Dunno, about eight or so. My mom would take us. Dad flat out refused to go.
Laura: Smart fella but seriously. The twins were scared of that big Elmo plushie at Mall Tots the other day. How do you think they will react to a six and half foot sewer rat in a bowler hat and ugly vest?


  1. thats an interesting conversation!

  2. This is really funny to read! I laughed at my computer! Hope it worked out well!

  3. Hilarious! I have two kids of my own which I love and adore but I hate going to Chuck E. Cheese. My kids always ask to go and I find some excuse not to take them. I HATE IT!

  4. I died at sewer rat. Chuch E Cheese is not so cool. Where are all the cool kids place like Discovery Zone, etc? I think it's pretty cool that you're a young grandma.

  5. I haven't been to Chuck E. Cheese since I was a little kid...but I feel like it must just be a cesspool of snotty-nosed little kids (I say that and I actually LIKE children!). I loved it as a child, but I have to wonder why...that sewer rat is creepy!

    I think you have a very interesting situation and your posts quite funny - I wish you would share more! :)

  6. That conversation is pure win. I haven't been to Chuck E. Cheese in a long while, but I did enjoy as a kid. I think that my brother was afraid of the rat when he was younger though.
